Unpacking the Dynamics of Harm in Game Cheating Communities

A Guiding Framework for Cross-Industry Intervention

Selina ChoJonathan LusthausIvan Flechais

August 12, 2024,

As a part of the broader investigation into the social dynamics within game cheating communities, this study sheds light on the risks faced by users that surpass the conventional boundaries of gaming environments. Drawing on insights from interviews with 70 individuals with cheating experiences and a literature review, we present a framework that categorises the observed social dynamics into four distinct collectives, each varying in size and characteristics. This framework offers a nuanced perspective on how individuals engage with cheating, portraying these communities as complex networks with potential victims and perpetrators, rather than mere assemblies of rule-breakers. Through expert feedback, we evaluate the applicability of our framework in practice, and identify three areas of concern that warrant attention by both the gaming industry and broader sectors: the pervasiveness of toxic behaviours, the absence of ethical boundaries, and the oversight of supporting roles that facilitate cheating. This research surfaces the need for targeted strategies to safeguard players who are not adequately covered by traditional safety measures in gaming.

Selina Cho

Selina Cho

Selina's work is focused on exploring the social practices and structures of game cheating communities.

Jonathan Lusthaus

Jonathan Lusthaus

Dr Jonathan Lusthaus is Director of The Human Cybercriminal Project and an Associate Professor in Global Sociology in the Department of Sociology (a joint appointment held with the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies). He is also a Governing Body Member of St Antony's College.

Ivan Flechais

Ivan Flechais

My current research interests revolve around continuing to improve AEGIS and gaining a better understanding of the socio-organisational factors of secure systems, particularly with a view to designing with these in mind.

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