Many faces, many names?

Ethics in Belgian game development education

Maarten DenooBruno DupontBieke Zaman

August 12, 2024,

What is nowadays taught to the game creators of tomorrow in terms of ethics? The current study addresses this question by focusing on 11 higher education and continuous vocational training programs for aspiring game developers taught in Belgium. We conducted textual analyses of institutional materials and semi-structured interviews with nine educators. By combining these sources of data, this study identifies three key categories of ethical considerations that are taught to students: content and design impact, workplace standards, and diversity in gaming culture. This study also underscores educators’ proactivity in addressing gaps between curricular content, industry expectations, and student concerns. It is our hope that this study elucidates the critical potential of teaching ethics, providing actionable recommendations for educational institutions to help prepare creators navigate complex moral issues in today’s gaming landscape.

Bruno Dupont

Bruno Dupont

As postdoctoral research manager at KU Leuven's Meaningful Interactions Lab, Bruno is currently studying the intersection between gaming and gambling in contemporary digital media from a media studies angle, in connection with a team of psychologists, legal researchers, and prevention specialists.

Bieke Zaman

Bieke Zaman

Bieke Zaman is professor in Communication Sciences / Human-Computer Interaction research and research group leader of the Meaningful Interactions Lab (Mintlab), part of the Institute for Media Studies, Belgium.

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