An Empirical Study of VR Head-Mounted Displays Based on VR Games Reviews

Yijun LuKaoru OtaMianxiong Dong

August 22, 2024,

In recent years, the boom of Virtual Reality (VR) technology has signaled fruitful applications in various fields, such as education, industry, animation, entertainment, game, and so forth. The global VR games market is projected to grow to $53.44 billion in 2028 at a CAGR of 31.4% in the 2021-2028 period. Therefore, what players care about most about VR games is a topic worthy of research. In this paper, we conduct an in-depth study of 1,362 VR games and 484,070 reviews on the Steam platform. Unlike other literature focusing only on monolingual reviews (such as English), we apply the topic clustering model (BERTopic) to comprehensively analyze multilingual user reviews, including English, Simplified Chinese, and French. We find that the three features people praise the most are the music, the gaming experience, and the gameplay. Meanwhile, gamers’ most common complaints are bug issues, insufficient content, and excessive pricing.

Yijun Lu

Yijun Lu

Yijun is a masters degree student at the emerging networks and systems laboratory at the Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan.

Kaoru Ota

Kaoru Ota

Kaoru is a Professor with Department of Sciences and Informatics, Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan

Mianxiong Dong

Mianxiong Dong

Mianxiong is the Vice President and the youngest ever Professor of Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan. His research interests include Wireless Networks, Cloud Computing, and Cyber-physical Systems.

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