Affective Uplift During Video Game Play

A Naturalistic Case Study

Matti VuorreNick BallouThomas Hakman

August 22, 2024,

Do video games affect players’ well-being? In this case study, we examined 162,325 intensive longitudinal in-game mood reports from 67,328 play sessions of 8,695 players of the popular game PowerWash Simulator. We compared players’ moods at the beginning of play session with their moods during play, and found that the average player reported 0.034 [0.032, 0.036] visual analog scale (VAS; 0-1) units greater mood during than at the beginning of play sessions. Moreover, we predict that 72.1% [70.8%, 73.5%] of similar players experience this affective uplift during play, and that the bulk of it happens during the first 15 minutes of play. We do not know whether these results indicate causal effects or to what extent they generalize to other games or player populations. Yet, these results based on in-game subjective reports from players of a popular commercially available game suggest good external validity, and as such offer a promising glimpse of the scientific value of transparent industry-academia collaborations in understanding the psychological roles of popular digital entertainment.

Matti Vuorre

Matti Vuorre

Matti is a researcher at Tilburg University, where I study psychological functioning in the context of digital technologies and online/virtual environments.

Nick Ballou

Nick Ballou

Nick Ballou is a Ph.D. researcher studying well-being and video gaming, with regard to both quantity and quality of play. One of the primary goals of Nick’s work is to make psychological research on games more rigorous and trustworthy.

Thomas Hakman

Thomas Hakman

Thomas holds a joint honours degree in Liberal Arts & Sciences from the University of Amsterdam and VU University, where he combined Cognitive Neuroscience with digital media studies. He also has experience in clinical research and the telecom industry.

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