
Open Source Text-to-3D Algorithm for 3D Object Placement

Sanja BonicJanos BonicStefan Schmid

August 22, 2024,

Story writers and other creative professionals often rely on concept artists to visualize and then further iterate on their work during game development and other visualization processes. This exchange and its various stages are time-consuming, and there is no easy remedy for creating a walkable 3D concept art without involving a 3D artist yet. As a first step, we present Broomrocket, an open source text-to-3D algorithm for 3D concept art. Broomrocket’s contribution is an object relation and placement algorithm that transforms user input describing a 3D scene given in plain English language into actual models placed in a 3D scene. It runs locally using an existing downloaded natural language processing model and does not require third party services unless a connection to an online 3D model distribution platform is desired. In that case, Broomrocket will search for the keywords from the user’s narrative input and desired license, and place them in the 3D scene, adding each model’s individual license to a license file for further usage.

Sanja Bonic

Sanja Bonic

Sanja Bonic works at Red Hat and is a PhD candidate at TU Berlin where she focuses on computer graphics and visualizations. Her main procrastination methods are video games, cleaning, and cycling.

Janos Bonic

Janos Bonic

Janos Bonic is a Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat and founder of ContainerSSH. Together with his wife, he’s writing papers and researching several topics around infrastructure and visual deep learning.

Stefan Schmid

Stefan Schmid

Stefan Schmid ist Professor an der Technischen Universität Berlin, Deutschland. Er hat an der ETH Zürich promoviert, war Postdoc an der TU München und der Universität Paderborn, Senior Research Scientist bei den T-Labs in Berlin, außerordentlicher Professor an der Universität Aalborg, Dänemark, und ordentlicher Professor an der Universität Wien, Österreich. Stefan Schmid erhielt den IEEE Communications Society ITC Early Career Award 2016 und einen ERC Consolidator Grant.

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