Global Games Education Now

The Global Games Education Now reports aim to provide direct observations about the state of games-focused education and training within a global context.

Lindsay Grace

January 13, 2024,


The Global Games Education Now reports aim to provide direct observations about the state of games focused education and training within a global context. The goal is to collect reflections on the ever-changing state of education across the globe.


The Global Games Education Now (G-Gen) is a new series designed to provide relevant contemporary perspective on the state and emerging trends in geographic communities’ games-focused education. These pieces are predicated on the notion that a wider report on the challenges, opportunities, strengths, and weaknesses of such education is likely to help pedagogy, research, and practice across the globe. Its aim is to observe, report and reflect on the state of education from a regional lens providing greater context for the work of the wider games community.

This series relies on the global network of the games community, from both the academy and industry. Reflections are encouraged from researchers embedded in education or training focused communities. This includes academics working within and outside the academy, researchers examining trends in education, and industry professionals engaged in formal education practices. The series will provide a survey of the current state of education in games across the globe and from diverse perspectives. These are typically invited authors who have the unique perspective from which to make such observations. While these opinion pieces are typically invited by leadership in the community, the editorial team encourages submissions from all qualified researchers.

The goal of these pieces is to examine from within the geographic community noteworthy elements of the education environment. The goal is not merely to identify strengths and opportunities, but instead to candidly disclose regional challenges and opportunities. Such observations are likely to be collected from direct interaction with learning communities, administrators, local governments, educators, students, industry professionals and others that shape the educational environment. These reports are not limited to post-secondary education. The aim is to inform the research community with concise snapshots of the current state of games focused education on a region. The structure of these reports will generally follow a three-part format: introductory context, observations and reflections and conclusions.

In This Issue

The inaugural contribution for this series focuses on the gaming landscape in Southeast Asia as observed by Siddhartha Paul Tiwari at Google Southeast Asia and Lindsay Grace at the University of Miami.

Lindsay Grace

Lindsay Grace

Lindsay Grace is Knight Chair in Interactive Media and a full professor at the University of Miami School of Communication. He is Vice President for the Higher Education Video Game Alliance and the 2019 recipient of the Games for Change Vanguard award. Lindsay's book, "Doing Things with Games, Social Impact through Design," is a well-received guide to game design.

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